Sneak Previews

  1. WASABI - NOT A FAIRY TALE (復讐のワサビ) with director Hemant Singh, and actors Julian Koike and Keisuke Nomura
  2. PENALTY LOOP (ペナルティループ) with director Shinji Araki, and actors Ryuya Wakaba and Yusuke Iseya
  3. THE YIN YANG MASTER ZERO (陰陽師0) with director Shimako Sato, and actors Shota Sometani
  4. WHO WE WERE (わたくしどもは。) with director Tetsuya Tomina, producer Mina Hatanaka and actor Sennosuke Kataoka
  5. THE SERPENT'S PATH (蛇の道) with director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and actress Ko Shibasaki
  6. MY SUNSHINE (ぼくのお日さま) with director Hiroshi Okuyama and actors Sosuke Ikematsu, Keitatsu Koshiyama and Kiara Nakanishi
  7. FROM OKINAWA WITH LOVE (オキナワより愛を込めて) with director Hiroshi Sunairi
  8. THE CATS OF GOKOGU SHRINE (五香宮の猫) with director Kazuhiro Soda
  9. THE MAKING OF A JAPANESE (小学校:それは小さな社会) with director Ema Ryan Yamazaki and producer Eric Nyari
  10. THE MAKING OF A JAPANESE (アンのこと) with director Yu Irie
  11. A BIG HOME (大きな家) with director Ryo Takebayashi and producer Takumi Saitoh
  12. AINU PURI (アイヌプリ) with director Takeshi Fukunaga